Monday, 10 March 2014

Clove oil

This one is quite an important one to me. It is the oil to use if you have toothache. Pour some onto a piece of cotton wool and put it against the sore area. Eventually you'll have to swallow and the clove will fill your mouth, tasting pretty bad and making you want to spit it out. Try to avoid this and leave the oil covered cotton wool in your mouth. I once mixed eucalyptus with clove and made the whole side of my face numb! PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS WITHOUT MEDICAL SUPERVISION. But clove can give you a bit of a break.

You can also get wheat pillows that go in the microwave. They're designed for muscle pain, but if you put one against the area of the pain on the outside of your face it can give some relief. If you can bear it slosh your mouth out, as any sugar caught in the sore tooth will make it ten times worse.

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