Thursday 7 August 2014

Iritating critters

Aromatherapy can also help out with those irritating flying critters that buzz in your ears and up your nose. They absolutely HATE citrus. So if you get out your burner and put in a citrus oil - lemon for best results and set it burning, watch the critters head for the doors and the windows.

Thursday 15 May 2014

I'm here

We I haven't had much to say in this blog for a while. Now I'm going on to be a mobile aromatherapist. Have most of the things from th shop and it's all fairly portable. Just waiting for the phone to ring!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

The lousy cold

I'll start off being honest. Aromatherapy can (on occasion with luck) stop the development of a cold, if you have a warm bath with Tea Tree and Eucalyptus. Failing that you're stuck with the usual symptoms. Aromatherapy can help. Eucalyptus is useful for a stuffy nose as is peppermint. You can get a mixture to gargle with, but for that I would have to recommend you visit an aromatherapist. If you're having trouble sleeping, again trey good old lavender. I have a hot whiskey toddy, but I can't recommend that you drink! Over all a cold is just the pits and you can manage the symptoms, but that's about it.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Sensible sheep

The content of my latest painting ish!


Just come out of hospital having had a wisdom truth with a cyst on it removed and several other teeth. For some reason thought it woulnt hurt but it was like being hit in the face with a bat, so not much to say. Did anyone look up Vermeer.?

Monday 24 March 2014


I'm quite heavily into Zen Buddhism, have been since I used to do martial arts, when I got involved in eastern philosophy. Before you stop reading because you aren't into religion let me stop you, Zen isn't a religion, it's a philosophy and you don't even need to take any notice of the philosophy to benefit.   I'm going to chat a little about meditation.

This isn't as esoteric as some would have you believe. It's basically emptying your mind of clutter. Pause now and see what's going on in your mind. I bet it's like Central Station up their. This is fair enough and quite normal. Thing is if you can calm this clutter, even just for a few minutes each day you will feel more relaxed and capable of dealing with things.

There are many forms of meditation, but the most straightforward is counting your breath. Take a comfortable seat and make sure you won't be disturbed. Let the central station clatter then start counting your out breaths. Count up to four then start at one again and if your mind wanders, which it will, jst gently bring it back, try not to get frustrated, it is after all a difficult thing you are trying to do.

Alternatively, as we use our phones for everything else, so there is an app for guided meditation and if you find one that works for you then use that. If Zen is one thing it is open to change and can bring fantastic peace. Good luck with your practise.

Thursday 13 March 2014


Just a quick note. Searcc out the work of Vermeer (I love his work) ans see how often he uses a very similar model and the light is usually coming from the left of the subject